Tips to ensuring a quality, long-lasting log home!
The overhang at the gable ends should be five feet to protect the logs from rain, sun, and the elements in general.
The slope of a roof is very important. Make sure the roof slope meets the building code for your area. A poorly sloped roof can allow snow and water to accumulate. Having an adequately sloped roof will extend the life of your roof.
The roof should be made of quality materials. In forested areas, a metal or fire-resistant material should be used. This kind of high-quality roof can also prevent hail damage.
Metal roof. Photo by Vitaliy Halenov/iStock / Getty Images
Insulated-glass windows with low-E glass and exterior cladding are best. In high-wind or very cold areas, casements are recommended. Triple glazing should also be considered.
Porch posts should be installed up off the floor surface to prevent rotting from the end grain. Tie the porch floor to the piers and tie the porch posts to the porch floor and the porch roof to prevent failure during high winds.
Use metal flashing—not caulk—over windows and doors to keep rain from seeping in over the top of the windows.
Keep shrubs away from the house. They can deflect rain to the logs and the lower wood structure. They can also act as shade and keep the logs wet longer after a rain.
Remove old or large trees growing close to the house before construction ensues. If they are close to the house, basement excavation can cut the roots and hasten their demise.
As a minimum, put a termite shield on top of your foundation and use a pressure-treated sill plate. The top of the foundation should be 18” above the soil surface.
A termite shield is a barrier installed in the foundation of a house which is designed to prevent termites from crossing into the foundation and flooring. It will minimize rain splash hitting the logs as well.
Example of a termite shield